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8th Spatial Section: Astangu

The cradle of Tallinn's biodiversity under development pressure.

Existing Situation

+ existing mixed-use light traffic road on a former railway dam

- the light traffic road is cutt-off from the surrounding environment

Natural Environment

+ Tallinn's biodiversity hotspot

+ pollinator cradle

+ exposed North Estonian cliff

Spatial Planning and Interventions

  • A need to raise common awareness of existing natural values

  • A need to protect the valuable environment from development pressure

  •  A need to separate light traffic of different speeds

  • A need to increase functionality of public space: create seating areas: shelters, reading corners, opening views

Check out the Landscape Architecture Vision for Spatial Sections from Mustjõe to Hiiu!

The concept project for  Mustjõe, Veskimetsa, Väike-Õismäe, Astangu and Hiiu offer a preliminary vision for the development of the areas, which was created by landscape architects from  Artes Terrae. Further design will follow.

Please find the project in full detail HERE!

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