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Sustainable Mobility: Bicycle and Tram

The central theme of the Pollinator Highway is the promotion of sustainable modes of transport: walking, cycling, scooter riding and using public transport instead of a car. The concept of how to do this is under development. The concept discusses how to create space for people moving at different speeds while ensuring the preservation of the pollinator corridor. Se aim to identify, where and which spatial connections are lacking, and addressing major urban spatial disruptions that impede the smooth operation of the Insect Trail as a linear park and movement space. It also examines the value that innovative pavement and lighting solutions, smart city solutions and design elements would add to Insect Road as a space for movement.


Until the concept of mobility of Putukaväila as a whole is being developed, we would like to introduce you to the concept of mobility of the first stage of Putukaväila - the area between garages in North Tallinn.


The backbone of the North Tallinn section of the Insect Trail is a light traffic road - an active axis of movement that is pleasant to cross both by bike and on foot. The Insukaväila cycle path will connect several districts and settlements, connecting to the city's main cycle path network and sidewalk network in the future. In this way, Insect Squirrel becomes a green school road for children from different settlements. Trails for pedestrians branch off from the central axis of the insect path. The movement paths lead to different activities and pockets, but at the same time guide people past the meadow areas that are necessary for the functioning of the natural environment and are untouched by human activities.


In the general plan of North Tallinn to be prepared, a space is reserved in the area of ​​Putukaväila for a new branch of the tram line, which connects Tallinn City Center with Stroomi beach. The development of the public transport network is of key importance for a rapidly developing district. Together with the tram line, 4-6 stops will be added: near Ristiku Bridge, at the end of Paavli Street and Puhangu Street; the tram stops at Stroomi Beach Park. The tram line will serve approximately 10,000 residents who live within the service radius of the stops today, but also residents of new development areas and residents of other districts. Convenient public transport connections to the city center also increase the attractiveness of Pelguranna as a place to live.


Landscape Architecture Design by Kino

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